Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Burgerkill At Hard Rock Cafe Bali

Burgerkill, the best metal band Indonesia play in Bali for the second time. This time they rock at Hard Rock Cafe in Kuta.

The Show was start at 11, there was a long queque at the gate, when I was enter the venue Parau was playing, so I missed the other opening act The Last One.

Hard Rock Cafe that night was full of Hardcore Kids, Metal Heads and Punkers, and most of them are wearing black t-shirt!

I can't remember how many songs they were played that night, but the band give the best show ever to all the crowd, I just remember that they covered 1 song from Panthera "mouth of war".
Eben, guitarist of Burgerkill was amazed with the Balinese crowd, he said: "If our President saw how cool you guys here, he must be proud!"

Burgerkill is planned to tour in West Australia this month, they gonna be the first metal band from Indonesia who ever toured there.

Good Luck, and stay metal!

Complete Bio of BURGERKILL

Friday, February 6, 2009


Jeanie is a glam rock band from Denpasar Bali Indonesia, it's initially consists Pitt Rose on Vocals, Metta on Drums, Ari Phoenix on Guitar and Ryan on Bass. The name of Jeanie is derived from Pitt and Metta's mother name; Yenny, this band is dedicated for their mother recovery who suffered from a heart disease at that time in 2001.

With several compilation albums, local and national and one full album; Prosperity of Life (released in 2005), they had been around stage to stage in Bali and Java.
Their latest album is Perfect Glory, it was release on December 2008, and they ready to rock again! rock on guys!

Booking & Contact :


Phone : +62 361 74 62 62 1 or +6281 797 382 65

Fax : +62 368 21 34 8

Email : redroomrockers@yahoo.com

Website : www.myspace.com/glamrockofjeanie



Dialog Dini Hari

Dialog Dini Hari was build by Dankie, Ian Joshua Stevenson and Mark Liepmann in the fall of 2008, Dankie is charismatic guitarist from neo-grunge band Navicula. Ian and Mark are from Kaimsasikun. And tonite this trio will launch their album at Ozigo country club in Renon - Denpasar Bali.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

musikator.tv launching

MUSIKATOR, a community site that I always visit. Not just because all of them behind Musikator are my good friends, but also because their quality in writing, topics that's always informative and fresh...
On Saturday, January 31, 2009. Musikator will launch their sister site which is called
MUSIKATOR.TV. Here's the press realease as written by Rudolf Dethu.

Riuhnya sambutan publik muda yang sungguh di luar dugaan, menginspirasi para hulubalang Musikator Music Network untuk mengembangkan sayap lebih lebar. Setelah menjejakkan langkah revolusioner dengan meluncurkan direktori musik (virtual) Indonesia paling pertama, Musikator [dot] Com---dan mendapat respons duhai gegap gempita dari skena musik Nusantara---berikutnya dikuti dengan memunculkan Musikator [dot] TV
Kelahiran Musikator [dot] TV sejatinya merupakan reaksi dari evolusi Musikator [dot] Com. Awalnya kontingen penggagas Musikator Music Network semata hendak membuat semacam sentra informasi artis-artis musik Indonesia (bayangkan "halaman kuning", direktori buku telepon) sekaligus tempat bercengkerama dan berbagi di antara komunitas. Sejalan dengan perkembangan, ternyata konsep yellow pages serta sharing is believing saja tidak cukup. Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi telah menjadikan gambar bergerak (dalam konteks ini: video) sebagai elemen signifikan dalam media virtual. Termasuk Musikator [dot] Com.
Menyambut dinamika sedemikian rupa, bersamaan dengan perayaan ulang tahun Musikator Music Network yang pertama, akan digulirkan pula secara resmi Musikator [dot] TV pada 31 Januari 2009 dimana di dalamnya terdapat rupa-rupa video dari musisi dalam negeri, sebagian kecil video non-lokal sebagai referensi, serta video art sesekali.
Pun falsafah utama Musikator [dot] TV teguh berfondasi sama, bersandar pada kekuatan kekerabatan: memberi/menerima/bertukar data & berita secara cuma-cuma serta swakelola alias community-driven.
Now shareBecause you care.