Monday, August 9, 2010

Tanggapan dari berbagai pihak tentang insiden Navicula

Tanggapan dari pihak - pihak yg terkait dengan insiden Navicula dan Ian Brown

Massive Vibration Event Organizer:

Regarding the supposed Ian Brown vs. Navicula incident in Bali, in the interests of objectivity I'm quoting Silvie Nebauer(@SilvieInBali) of Massive Vibrations' response to Alan Abbott's comments on the "Ian Brown - Godlike Genius" Facebook page. I know some of the Navicula guys and I regret that this happened to them, but I'd rather know the whole story from all possible angles before choosing to condemn anyone:

"Ian's Mgmt approved an acoustic set ONLY , we tried to work this out but unfortunately IT did NOT >>>I Luv Navicula and did everything possible to add them as supporting Act ! Pls don't be rude in such manner ! Disgrace is a very harsh word ! Respect to Music !"


RT @massiveradio Wish 4Peace as @Naviculamusic stands for!Too many hrsh Wrds fallin! Isu of Respect 4Music! Artists shold suport each other!

Silvie B Nebauer
‎>>Lakota , I wish I could apologize for any kind of rudeness for other People or give you an answer why there were no channels given to you guys >>>I don't KNOW>>Luv u Guys :) As Robi says Fukk There will be many more great Gigs to come......Leave the Past behind Look to the Future ! Respect !

>>Dear Alan Thank you for your Opinion
I was not at Soundcheck , therefore cannot comment on this issue
but since I toured with many Bands for over 10 years as Tour Manager I do know that such moments happen on and on at concerts in various countries . why ? because each Band wants to get it just right for themselves first of all and if the equipment is not prepared the Main Act has to come first ....
>>Good point to discuss with the venue as well to avoid such Incidents in the future !

>>On a personal Note : I am not a Hater but Hate Negative and hard Words such as " Disgrace " It goes a bit out of Proportion " Disgrace for the Country " ?? Damn , aren't we are ALL in for the Music !??

>>"Music is a Matter of Taste " and for some People like me , The Stone Roses " come from an Area what I call " Godlike Genious "
I am much older than you , in my Teens back then ,when Manchester as Madchester was Born ! This was Godlike At THAT time for sure !
Respect it as such !

>>My Life for ROCKNROLL AS FUN, Respect for MUSIC ITSELF
Leave the DRAMA behind !
Wish for Peace as ' Navicula " stands For , one of The Reasons why
I wanted THEM to open for Ian Brown , one of my musical God's .

Ten Swaratama; Hard Rock Cafe Bali

Saya Ten Swaratama wakil dari Hard Rock Cafe Bali dan kami sangat setuju dengan pernyataan Cindy Ishimine dan Robby Navicula bahwa Rock & Roll should be about fun, about passion and about channeling creativity and idea through music.

Kejadian tadi malam, Sabtu 7 Agustus saat Navicula gagal perform di Hard Rock Cafe Bali sangat disayangkan dan kami meminta maaf atas ketidaknyamanan tersebut kepada Navicula beserta fans nya. Tapi perlu diketahui, bahwa HARD ROCK CAFE BALI HANYA SEBAGAI VENUE ACARA. Dan tidak berhubungan langsung dengan pihak management Ian Brown mengenai kontrak dan konsep acara. Selain sebagai venue, Hard Rock Cafe Bali hanya membantu pihak organizer (Front Media dan Berlian Entertainment) dalam hal produksi (penyewaan alat/riders) dan akomodasi artist, dan kami tidak mempunyai hak untuk mengatur isi acara maupun memutuskan siapa yang akan perform sebagai supporting act dalam acara tersebut. Kami sangat menyesal dan kejadian tadi malam adalah diluar kuasa kami.

Semoga penjelasan ini dapat mengklarifikasi duduk masalah dan posisi Hard Rock Cafe Bali yang hanya sebagai venue acara tersebut. Dan bisa dipastikan Hard Rock Cafe Bali selama ini telah dan akan selalu mensupport kemajuan dan kreativitas musisi tanah air. Terima kasih.

Ten Swaratama

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